Our long and thorough experience in the field of roof safety provides you with the most developed products the market has to offer.
We diligently strive to satisfy our customers, and we know how important it is to be able to deliver quickly.
An important part in all of what we do is for our environmental footprint to be as small as possible and thereby to contribute to a sustainable environment for future generations.
As far back as 2011, we began working with Magnelis, a surface treatment of steel sheet metal with a much longer life than that of traditionally treated sheet metal.
Among the most important of our concerns when it comes to product development, is that the products currently meet the needs that the market will demand.
By means of the selected material and the unique product characteristics, we can offer the best guarantee on the market.
CWL News - Information Sheet
Bärläktsfäste förenklade underlagstak
Konsol betongpannor
Konsol lertegelpannor
The bracket is used for a number of functions, such as walkways, ridge and roof foot rails, snow fences and guardrails for roof hatches.
European patent
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