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Snow fence

Snow fence and foot support

The snow fence primarily serves to prevent snow from falling uncontrollably from the roof, and whenever large quantities of snow accumulate, it allows the snow to be removed from the roof in a controlled manner. They can also serve as an anchor point for personal fall protection, and serve as a foot support when working near the roof foot or roof break.

The design shall be based on the force of the entire snow load in the direction of the roof pitch being withstood by the snow fence.

Calculation of the amount of snow on the roof and force against the snow fence is made based on the following input values:

  • Where in the country the building is located = snow zone in question
  • What kind of roof and the roof pitch = the roof’s form factor
  • Local conditions in the form of topography, vegetation, adjacent buildings, snow makers, risk of snow accumulations etc.
  • The number of snow fences chosen must not exceed what the roof’s structure is designed for before the safety factor is added.

A snow fence is always installed along the roof foot and supplements it with further units above based on the actual snow condition. Further rows of snow fences may be replaced further up on the roof with snow stoppers. However, the lowermost snow fence must remain in place to maintain a protection against sliding snow and ice, and to serve as a foot support at the roof foot.

Always make sure that the snow fence is installed in accordance with the instructions, for example, the tightening torque of the clasps between the tube and the bracket, so that the intended strength against snow loads is obtained.


Snow fence requirements

A snow fence must comply with SS 831335 in order to be approved and P-marked. This means that they should have a height of 150 mm, a maximum distance between the roof surface and the fence’s lower edge of 30 mm, withstand a line load of 500 kg/m in the direction of the roof pitch without permanent deformations and that they must withstand the loads, including falls that can arise upon the anchoring of personal fall protection.

Remember that

Short snow fences accumulate large amounts of snow which they often cannot withstand. The risk is that both the snow fence and the snow will fall off the roof. Therefore, snow fences should be installed along the entire length of the roof foot.

When there is a risk of an overload of the roof and/or snow fence, the snow should be removed from the roof.

The snow fence comes in two different varieties, pressed steel sheet metal (profile plate) and with 3 tubes.

Ice can slide underneath the snow fence, therefore you should supplement it with ice stoppers.


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